Europe Wood Pellets DIN PLUS / ENplus-A1 Wood Pellets

Europe Wood Pellets DIN PLUS / ENplus-A1 Wood Pellets


Wood pellets are a renewable resource, the fuel that is already widely available in the world nowadays. The sawdust or wood shavings are compressed under great pressure and forced through holes. This is a hot process and the natural lignin in the sawdust/wood shavings melts and binds the dust together, holding the pellet in shape and giving it that characteristic sheen on the outside Economic efficiency: Wood pellets are extremely dense and can be produced with a low moisture content (below 10%) that allows them to be burned with a very high combustion efficiency. Their high density also permits compact storage and rational transport over long distances. Electricity generated from pellets in converted coal plants is almost the same cost as electricity generated from natural gas, diesel.

  • Biomasse-energie - erzeugung
  • Heisswasserbereitung mit Holzpellets

Domain icon Großhändler

1030 Wien - Österreich


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